A popular, but noxious, piping fix is sickening people. And it’s throughout America’s sewers

March 30, 2023

It hit Kaylie Marley in school.

A strong, epoxy-like odor that nauseated her and dozens of classmates and teachers at Spooner Middle School in Wisconsin. By the time they evacuated, Kaylie was feeling lightheaded. She passed out and was rushed to the hospital by ambulance.

A similar odor struck David Walsh when he returned home from work.

It reminded him of fiberglass resin – a strong, sickening scent that assaulted his nostrils and made his head pound. His wife and two children, who had spent the day in the family’s home in Shoreline, Washington, complained of nausea and headaches. They soon felt so unwell that they packed their bags and left.

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