2021 Awards

January 22, 2025

2021 – Creative Trenchless Solutions

Spring Park MN Pipe Bursting
2300’ 10” DR11 Double Upsize

Awarded to: Core & Main
Submitted by: David Mosier
Participating Members: McElroy Manufacturing

The Spring Park, Minnesota pipe bursting project involved the replacement and upsizing of approximately 2300’ of 6” cast iron pipe with 10” HDPE pipe. The runs averaged 300’ and required working in some tight spaces between houses, many of which were very close to Lake Minnetonka. At times the pipe had to be floated out on the lake in order to be staged for the burst.

2021 – Innovative PE Solutions

Vancouver Broadway Subway Project
8 – 24” Various DRs

Awarded to: ISCO – A.H. McElroy
Submitted by Jeff Lore
Participating Members: McElroy Manufacturing, Infra Pipe, Integrity Fusion, Pipestar

The city of Vancouver Broadway Subway Project is using HDPE to provide conveyance of water, sewer and stormwater services above a new subway tunnel currently under construction. The leak-free 8” to 24” HDPE solution is critical to this project as leaks would compromise safety and progress of tunneling taking place beneath the service lines while minimizing disruption of surface traffic in busy metropolitan area.

2021 – Environmental Sustainability

Belgrave Water Pollution District
3200 feet of 30” DR 9 HDPE

Awarded to: WL Plastics
Submitted by: Richard Kolasa
Participating Members: McElroy Manufacturing, WL Plastics, Rain for Rent

The Belgrave Water Pollution District in Little Neck, NY required rehabilitation of an outfall line running across a wetland. Utilizing horizontal directional drilling, the 3200 foot 30” DR 9 HDPE outfall was installed in 200’ sections stored on a barge, with minimal disruption to this environmentally sensitive area. There are several unique aspects of this project including the team used the salt water bay as a lay down area for the pipe string as they prepared for the HDD installation. The project was audited by the State of NY Environment and Conservation Department each week to ensure compliance with state environmental laws and there were no negative reports.

2021 – First Time User

Texas Towns of Aspermont
43,000’ of 8” and 14” DR 11 HDPE

Awarded to: Dow Chemical
Submitted by: Dell Doyle
Participating Members: Dow Chemical, McElroy Manufacturing, Modern Dispersions and Pipeline Plastics

In February of 2021 much of Texas experienced the lowest five-day average temperatures in decades, resulting in billions of dollars in damage to infrastructure. Particularly hard hit were the rural towns of Aspermont, Carey, and Northfield when large sections of their water infrastructure were compromised leaving residents and businesses without drinking water. Dow Chemical, McElroy Manufacturing, Modern Dispersions, and Pipeline Plastics all came to the rescue donating expertise, material, and training to replace over 43,000 feet of 8” and 14” cast iron and ductile iron pipe and restoring clean drinking water to these communities in record time. In total, the partners replaced aging water infrastructure that was beyond its effective useful life totaling over 43,000 feet. They used HDPE, leak-and-corrosion-resistant pipe, which will have a strong impact on quality of life for these communities for decades to come. This includes access to clean water, decreased water loss and lower installation costs. The new, reliable sections of the water piping systems will also require less maintenance with a 100 year design life. The sections were the first-ever, durable PE4710 transmission line installed by the City of Aspermont and the Red River Authority of Texas.