2023 Awards

January 22, 2025


South Claiborne Transmission Main
Sewer and Water Board of New Orleans
5600’ 48” DR 17 DIPS

Presented to AGRU
Submitted by Yuse Lajiminmuhip
Participating Members: Murphy Pipelines

The design called for the compressed fit installation method, which uses existing infrastructure as a framework for installing the new pipe. With this method, used extensively by Murphy Pipelines, pipes are pulled through the existing piping system. The pulling forces allow the pipe to stretch enough to fit through the previous pipe. Once the pipe has finished being pulled through the length of the section, the reduction in tension on the pipe allows it to stretch, compressing flush against the interior of the existing pipe. This technique, helped reduce overall project costs, minimize traffic disruption, and simplify the installation and was a key aspect for securing funding. AGRU manufactured over 5,600 ft of 30” and 48” DIPS DR 17 HDPE pipes within the US, specifically to support the compressed fit installation within the New Orleans’ legacy pipeline and help rehabilitate the transmission main. For AGRU, this meant expanding its manufacturing capabilities to support the DIPS standard.

2023 – Innovative PE Solutions

Mid Town Water Supply Upgrades
City of Nanaimo, BC
12,450 FT of 42″, 13,000 FT of 30″ Various DRs

Presented to ISCO AH McElroy
Submitted by Jeff Lore
Participating Members: Robar, McElroy, Infra Pipe, Strongbridge

The City of Nanaimo suffered the first significant failure of a primary water supply pipeline in Bowen Road on April 3, 2020 that resulted in a loss of 22 million liters of water. The watermain break left thousands of residents, the hospital and businesses without water. In May 2023, the construction of the new waterline commenced. It is the largest watermain project on Vancouver Island and BC of its kind. The engineer elected HDPE given its seismic resistant, leak free connections and overall flexibility in navigating through the town. The city said, “This major water infrastructure upgrade will serve the community for generations and will provide resiliency in the City’s core water supply network.”

2023 – Innovative PE Solutions

Benicia, CA 36” Raw Water ByPass
1400 FT of 12”

Presented to ISCO
Submitted by Mike James

On March 29, 2023 the cumulative effects of several winter rain storms destructively came to fruition, causing a devastating landslide just outside the city limits. A frontage road was displaced and many infrastructure assets were affected, including a break in the primary raw water line from the Sacramento Delta and Lake Berryessa to the City’s Water Treatment Plant. About 700’ of that same 36” steel pipe was also displaced by the slide, a line that provides 80% of Benicia’s water. Working with Kyle Ochenduszko – Public Works Director, and the City of Benicia staff, the City of Fairfield, Gold Coast Pipeline, and Stantec Consulting, ISCO worked around the clock for a 2-day period. From April 5th to 7th ISCO supplied 1,400’ of 12” HDPE pipe, fused together a temporary waterline bypass, and connected the dual fabricated HDPE bypass to the two 30” dia. steel manifolds at locations north and south of the landslide.

2023 – First Time User

Dog River Wooden Pipeline Replacement
30” DIPS DR26
22,210’ Open Cut, Raw Water

Presented to: Core & Main and Jacobs
Submitted by: Brady Fuller
Participating Members: McElroy Manufacturing, Ferguson

In 2022 and 2023 the City of The Dalles, Oregon installed 3-3/4 miles of 30-inch HDPE pipeline to replace existing 20-inch wood stave pipe installed in 1913. The project is located on US Forest Service lands in the Mt. Hood National Forest at 4,200 feet elevation, in a narrow 25-foot corridor. The site is snow-bound in winter, typically from late November to mid-May. The Project was the culmination of 20 years of planning and permitting. The pipeline had deteriorated in its over 100-year lifetime, with portions replaced over the years with steel and clay pipe. At the time of replacement, it was leaking an estimated 1 million gallons per day during peak flow season. HDPE pipe was selected as the pipe material following constructability review (including by contractor embedded within in the design team), consideration of wildfire risk and potential damage, regional success with similar materials on similar projects, and long-term corrosion evaluation.

2023 – Environmental Sustainability

Steinaker Service Canal, Vernal UT
Uinta Water Conservancy District
15,105’ 78” DR26

Presented to: ISCO Industries
Submitted by: Donnie Kaiser
Participating Members: McElroy Manufacturing, AGRU

In 1961 the Steinaker Service Canal was built to carry water from Steinaker Reservoir to adjacent land in northeastern Utah. Due to seepage and evaporation the 12-mile canal was losing nearly 25% of its water along the route. With ongoing drought concerns placing a premium on water, the owner decided to enclose 6 miles of the canal in 78” HDPE pipe, the largest diameter HDPE high-pressure water pipe in US history. The process of building the pipeline on-site with HDPE pipe of that magnitude required the use of massive fusion equipment, including two McElroy Talons and the Technodue. ISCO, who rents and sells fusion equipment, not only supplied the machinery, but administered certified training for safe and proper usage. The Talons, which are unique to ISCO, addressed the challenge of a limited footprint and access to the canal itself. Unlike typical fusion machines which require other equipment to manipulate and load the HDPE pipe, the Talon can pick up the pipe on its own. Additionally, most fusion equipment that handles HDPE pipe of this magnitude is stationary, while the Talon is 100% mobile, allowing it to travel along the entire length of the pipeline and perform the necessary fusion in place. In a project where limiting the loss of water was of the utmost importance, the leak proof nature of HDPE gave them an advantage that no other piping could provide.

2023 – Creative Trenchless Installation

Towne Vue Project
SAWS, San Antonio TX
3500’ 8” DIPS DR11
Replacing 60 yr old cast iron

Presented to: Milford
Submitted by: Erik Elizonda
Participating Members: McElroy Manufacturing, Pipeline Plastics

In 2022, after 5 main breaks in front of the same house on Towne Vue Drive in Castle Hills(and more on the same block), SAWS decided to expedite the design, bidding, and replacement of the 60 year-old 6” cast iron water main. After the 6th break occurred in Feb of 2023, SAWS decided to have in-house crews replace the main so construction could begin immediately. In less than a week, SAWS crews mobilized and began replacing the existing cast iron main with 8” HDPE through pipe bursting. The project consisted of pre-chlorinated pipe bursting of 3,500 LF of water main and replacing 62 water services. The project was phased in 8 pulls, and temporary above ground mains were utilized to minimize interruptions in service to the customers. The pipe bursting project saved over $300,000 in restoration costs and took 3 ½ months to complete.

2023 – Dedicated User

St. Paul Regional Water Services
Bernard & Sperl Water Main Replacement
6” & 8” DIPS DR11
6100’ Pipe Bursting

Presented to: Core & Main
Submitted by: Tom Gannon
Participating Members: McElroy Manufacturing, Pipeline Plastics

After discovering HDPE and the pipe bursting trenchless method, their capital plan includes bursting every year. St. Paul Regional Water Service promotion literature says “During construction, access to homes and businesses will be maintained, but through traffic may be diverted around the area via detours and parking may be prohibited on both sides of the street.” In other the owner recognizes social impacts are minimized.

2023 – Environmental Sustainability

Washington County Water Conservation Dist.
St. George UT
19 miles 10” – 30” DIPS DR11

Presented to: WL Plastics
Submitted by: Dustin Langston
Participating Members: Ferguson

This project is in the desert of southern Utah in Washington county. Washington county has made national news several times for its controversial Lake Powell Pipeline. With the Colorado River already overdrawn, the city of St. George was forced to look elsewhere for water. This turned their attention to utilizing in their new reservoir. The Toquer Creek reservoir collects water from a catchment area and several springs to fill the newly constructed reservoir. The HDPE pipeline then conveys it leak free for the utility’s use. This won’t solve all the issues for Washington county, but it is one piece of the puzzle in solving water scarcity in the southwest USA.