Residents of Mexico City suburb are anxious after living over a month in black sewage water

September 14, 2024

By Mariana Martinez Barba, AP World News

September 14, 2024

CHALCO, Mexico (AP) — As 56-year-old Juana Salazar Segundo walked through her home in Chalco, a low-income suburb southeast of Mexico City, she recalled how black, reeking water had reached up to her belly button after flooding early last month.

With the receding liquid now down to her ankles, Salazar waddled into her furniture-less bedroom, where only a water pump hummed in the corner. Large black blotches stained the once white walls.

Sewage-infused floodwaters have invaded streets, homes and businesses in Salazar’s Culturas neighborhood of Chalco for over a month.

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