Feb 13th SECOR Roadshow in Casper, WY
Casper WY, home to 58,000 people and 440 miles of water main, witnessed an HDPE Total Solutions Roadshow this week. SECOR’s Chris Weight hosted the event at the local county fairgrounds and over 25 people were there to witness fusion demos and PowerPoints on the benefits of HDPE pipe. The city currently favors legacy materials for water but uses HDPE pipe on a few of the gravity sewer mains. The attendees from Green River use HDPE for services and are getting ready to go “All HDPE” for their water and sewer lines. Their team was impressed with what they learned. Chris Weight shared his substantial field knowledge to the Q&A which added meaty content for the guests. Thanks to Mitch Worley (GF Piping Systems), Bill Breckenridge (Strongbridge) and Tracey Rasmussen for supporting the effort.