Learning Center

Welcome to the PE Alliance’s learning Center where both “Classroom Presentations” and webinar videos are offered to pipe nation free of charge. We do not track nor do we provide CEU/PDHs if you download and use the content.

The PE Alliance YouTube page

The Alliance for PE Pipe’s YouTube channel is your destination for HDPE pipe industry knowledge and resources. Featuring an extensive collection of webinars, podcasts and informational videos, our channel is designed to educate and engage professionals at all levels. Stay informed about the latest innovations, techniques and industry trends by exploring our diverse and growing library of content.

Available Playlists

Tech Notes

Brief video reviews of key issues in the HDPE pipe world are being developed over time to supplement user knowledge on these key issues. Usually lasting no more than 7 minutes, these videos will provide the user with the knowledge they need to address the issue.

      • #1 Side Bend Testing with Peter DykeWatch Video
        Alliance Executive Director provides details on the popular destructive test known as the “Side Bend Test.” This test is easy to conduct and provides owners the confidence to know HDPE pipe fusions are being conducted correctly.
      • #2 McElroy University Paul Brodsky, MBA Watch Video
        Join the dean of McElroy University Paul Brodsky, MBA as he discusses how fusion techs can obtain certification for conducting HDPE butt fusion. McElroy Manufacturing is the company that sets the standard for butt fusion in North America and beyond.
      • #3 How HDPE Resin is Made Watch Video
        Doug Keller, technical lead for LYB, gives us a brief review of the feedstock used to make HDPE pellets and how those pellets are manufactured.
      • #4 HDPE Pipe Saves The Day Watch Video
        Alliance Executive Director shares a few stories where HDPE pipe saved utilities significant expense and even helped save 13 lives in Thailand.
      • #5 Bead Removal Watch Video
        Want to learn more about bead removal? Check this one out from R&L manufacturing out of Washington state where they talk internal and external HDPE pipe fusion bead removal. Learn more about R&L’s products at https://www.rlmfg.com

The Basics

As the title suggests, these sessions are the basics, entry level information if you will for the neophyte user or the entity that has not designed with HDPE yet. Central to your understanding of HDPE and how it is put in the ground and used is understanding of the concepts and content covered in the Basic sessions. Many people consume this content multiple times as they embark on their HDPE journey.

      • 100: Vocabulary, Concepts & Gear 519MB | Watch Video
        A presentation for those new to HDPE or looking for a refresher on the basics of working with HDPE.
      • 200: HDPE Installation Methods 620MB
        Discussion of new and rehabilitation methods including trencheless technologies.
      • 300: Engineering Design 197MB | Watch Video
        Learn more about designing with PE including specifying your pipe and principles of designing using a fusible piping system.

Installation Specific

As we have learned more and more about HDPE pipe installation methods, we have documented our educational sessions and field installations. These sessions are critical to owners and engineers as they move from simple open cut to more complicated installation methods. Session 1000 is our most popular content in this section given open cut is the most popular installation method for HDPE pipe and all pipes. As you watch these videos and go through the decks, send info@pepipe.org your comments and questions. We would love to hear from you!

      • 1000: Above Ground Applications 165MB | Watch Video
        Durability and UV resistance make HDPE ideal for above ground applications. Learn more about how to install HDPE above ground.
      • 1100: Open Cut Installation 326MB | Watch Video
        Topics covered include burial depths, bedding, and backfill as well as designing for deflection, crushing, and buckling.
      • 1200: Pipe Bursting 463MB | Watch Video
        Extensive coverage into design criteria, application, and planning of your next pipe bursting project.
      • 1300: HDD 10MB | Watch Video
        Discover the versatility of HDD and its demanding nature that lends these projects to be specified with HDPE.
      • 1400: Big Pipe Takes Over Steel & Concrete 152MB | Watch Video
        54″ DR 11, no problem. Resin improvements have made 4″ wall thickness available and with that large diameter jobs are now mainstream.
      • 1500 Utilizing Trenchless Technologies for Beginners 255MB | Watch Video
        An introduction to trenchless technologies discussing when each method is both feasible and cost effective.
      • 1600: Rehab with Slipline / Compression Fit
        As infrastructure continues to age both sliplining and compression fit continue to gain traction as they take advantage of existing conduits

Operator / Field Training

The PE Alliance likes to share the QA/QC Triad which addresses issues like process, training and verification. These sessions cover the basics of proper procedures and proper field behavior that ensures the fusions and pipe is going in the ground the way the engineer intends. Session 2000 is a favorite of the PEA because use of the DataLogger elevates everyone’s confidence about installing HDPE pipe.

      • 2000: DataLogger 7 Watch Video
        Learn all about McElroy’s innovative DataLogging technology that generates fusion records and more to increase quality assurance on site.
      • 2100: Electrofusion Watch Video
        EF has its own set of installation steps and requirements to follow.
      • 2200: Cold Weather Fusion 121MB | Watch Video
        Whether you are fusing in cold temperatures or its raining outside, there are proper procedures to follow. This well received session covers Cold and inclement weather fusion operations require special care and proper training of construction inspectors is more complicated then understanding fusion procedures. Issues like controlling the fusion zone, use of tents, gouges, backfill and pressure testing need understanding. This class will help you talk to your customers contractors and owners alike about inclement weather fuion ops.
      • 2300: Field Testing 125MB | Watch Video
        There are tried and true ways to confirm that the fusions being made on your job site are being done correctly. This session covers the proper procedure to effect a field test of a pipe string. Pressure, duration, make-up water and prechlorination will all be covered as will the side bend tester.
      • 2400: Inspector Training
      • 2500: HDPE Joining Methods (Butt Fusion, Electrofusion, Mechanical)

General Training

As our engineers have navigated the thousands of questions they have received from pipe nation regarding HDPE pipe systems, they have put together decks that go deep on various issues to better educate that community. While these sessions may not get the attention of most specifiers, the content is indispensable to the owner and engineer who want to better understand the full picture. The two most popular sessions are 3200 and 3300 as the Alliance directly compares HDPE to the two other popular, legacy pipe types.

      • 3000: What is a Water System? 360MB
        Alliance civil engineer Alan Ambler PE perfected this class for the webinar program and it has received excellent reviews. Understanding the major elements of system scan help you when you are trying to sell HDPE to both civil engineers and the municipality. Water sources, water transmission, water treatment water distribution, water disinfection, waste water collection, force mains and WW treatment are all covered.
      • 3100: Municipal Case Studies
        The heart of HDPE adoption at the municipal level starts with the utility that uses it. Learn first hand from actual adoption stories, how and why cities have adopted the product and what they have learned along the way.
      • 3200: HDPE v DIPWatch Video
        Ductile Iron Pipe used to be the best pipe available for municipal water applications. Then came HDPE pipe. Learn from the experts how and why HDPE is the fastest growing conveyance pipe for water and wastewater. This talk has developed over the years to be the gold standard for differentiating the former number one and the future number one.
      • 3300: HDPE v PVC Watch Video
        PVC is the market leader in terms of volume of pipe sold each year.
      • 3400: Markets Defined
        Unlike every other pipe type, HDPE serves 9+ markets. This presentation discusses the various reasons why HDPE is desirable for each.
      • 3500: HDPE Repair
      • 3600: HDPE Services


The Alliance will continue to build out this section over time to make it more robust. As cities use HDPE to a higher level they are asking questions that can be addressed with content found in this section. Session 4100 is full of information for the dedicated user and provides the must have content for the design engineer.

      • 4100: Top 10 Resources Watch Video
        If you are like us, there was a time when we needed to know where to look for information. Well, we have been there so we put together a list of the Resource Top Ten. Knowledge of these valuable resources will make you the go to HDPE expert in your organization. learn from the expert, what the resources are, why they are available and where to get them.
      • 4200: Innovation of Resin
        HDPE resins have evolved significantly over the last three decades to the point where today’s resins are barely recognizable vs years ago. This session will covers wall thicknesses, bi modal resin, chlorine classification, density, slow crack growth and others.
      • 4300: HDPE Standards
        Standards are central to our success as an industry. This popular session covers the standards that guide the manufacture and operation of HDPE related products. From the resin to the pipe to the products and finally to the installation, these standards make for a successful installation.

Alliance for PE Pipe Disclaimer:
This website information is conveyed and any use is expressly subject to the following disclaimer. By using any Technical Information contained herein, Recipient agrees that said Technical Information is given by the Alliance for convenience only, without any warranty or guarantee of any kind, and is accepted and used at your sole risk. Recipients are encouraged to verify independently any such information to their reasonable satisfaction. As used in this paragraph, “Technical Information” includes any technical advice, recommendations, testing, or analysis, including, without limitation, information as it may relate to the selection of a product for a specific use and application.

Contact info@pepipe.org with comments and suggestions and we will respond, usually within a day. Thank you for your interest in HDPE pipe, fittings, equipment and systems.