
Nebraska governor to assert eminent domain over Colorado in fight over water supply 

January 15, 2022

Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts is planning to use eminent domain to take land in Colorado to build a canal off the South Platte River, claiming that a 99-year-old agreement allows him to do it. The two states signed the South Platte River Compact in April 1923, granting each of them various rights in connection with… >> Read More

An Alabama Town’s Sewage Woes Test Biden’s Infrastructure Ambitions

January 13, 2022

HAYNEVILLE, Ala. – What babbles behind Marilyn Rudolph’s house in the rural countryside is no brook. A stained PVC pipe juts out of the ground 30 feet behind her modest, well-maintained house, spewing raw wastewater whenever someone flushes the toilet or runs the washing machine. It is what is known as a “straight pipe” –… >> Read More

Several California beaches close after sewage spill

January 1, 2022

Beaches in Los Angeles and Orange counties were shut down after a sewer main line failed, leaking millions of gallons of untreated sewage into the Dominguez Channel, which empties into Los Angeles Harbor. After the 48-inch sewer main line located in the city of Carson failed Thursday afternoon, as many as 7 million gallons of… >> Read More

29 Mature Trees Could Come Down In West Lakeview As Water Mains Are Replaced, Despite Neighbor Opposition

December 16, 2021

LAKEVIEW – Twenty-nine trees could be removed in West Lakeview so the city can replace century-old water mains, but neighbors called on the city’s water department to explore all other alternatives before removing any trees. The trees are mostly along Paulina Street between Belmont and Lincoln avenues, with 19 trees along the route flagged for… >> Read More

U.S. plans to replace all lead pipes over next decade

December 16, 2021

The Biden administration unveiled plans Thursday to replace all lead water pipelines over the next decade. Why it matters: The White House estimated that up to 10 million households connect to water through lead pipes and service lines and 400,000 schools and child care centers are at risk of exposure to lead in their water…. >> Read More

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